
Deciding on Breast Augmentation Surgery

Everyone has their own unique desires and goals when it comes to choosing breast implants. There are some women who prefer larger breasts while others opt for a more modest enhancement. Then there are some women who favor the tear drop shape over the traditional round shaped brea...

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Busting Breast Implant Myths

Throughout the years, there have been a lot of misconceptions that have spread regarding breast implants, some of which have scared potential patients into shying away from the augmentation they've always wanted. But today, we’re going to set the record straight and b...

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Woman Panhandles for Breast Augmentation

We see them every day when we drive, panhandlers trying to get a couple of extra bucks here and there any way they can. However, it's not every day that you see a woman panhandling for a breast augmentation. In Pensacola, Florida, Christina Andrews can be seen walking down...

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Did Nicole Richie Get Breast Implants?

Breast augmentation is a popular plastic surgery treatment for women who desire to have a larger cup size or who would like to improve the symmetry with their breasts. There are several different types of implants and sizes for women to choose from, from saline to silicone, round...

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New Microneedle Technology

The plastic surgery industry has always been one of transition and innovation. From its early days in the 1980s when liposuction first started becoming popular to the minimally invasive and natural-result producing treatments available these days, there are procedures that cater...

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Arm Lift Plastic Surgery Up

As we get older or gain weight, the skin and muscles in our arms lose their tightness. Fat begins to develop, which can be extremely difficult to get rid of. But even for those of us who are able to maintain relatively toned arms, the problem of loose skin can still overcome us...

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Gummy Bear Breast Implants

A new kind of breast implant is taking the U. S. by storm, becoming increasingly popular due to its shape and unique material - and quite possibly also for its appealing nickname. Nicknamed “Gummy Bears” after the popular chewy fruit candy, these innovative breas...

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Fat Grafting and Breast Surgery

Recent studies show that techniques for breast augmentation surgeries are evolving. A survey found in the latest issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery®, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) medical journal, reveals that 70% of plastic surgeons in the United S...

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MemoryShape Implants Approved by FDA

There are several different kinds of breast implant materials for patients to choose from. Some are filled with silicone, a gel-like substance that many believe mimics the feel of natural breasts, while others are filled with saline, a sterile salt water substance that can be use...

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Actor Spends $5,000 for Ryan Gosling’s Chin

It's not uncommon for women to seek plastic surgery in hopes of looking like their favorite celebrities. Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian, Angelina Jolie, Kate Middleton, and even the First Lady herself, Michelle Obama, have all been idolized for their unique looks and physiq...

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