Top 3 Benefits of the All-New Elizabeth Arden RX Sunscreen
Elizabeth Arden skincare products have long been a favorite in stores. Now, The Wall Street Journal reports that the company is expanding into the professional skincare market with a new premium line of products called Elizabeth Arden RX. These products are only available in ph...
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Is Liposuction or Fat Transfer Right for You?
Being comfortable in one's own body is an important part of living a happy and healthy lifestyle. Everyone wants to look his or her best, which is why fad diets and exercise programs are so popular. For many, however, these approaches just can’t achieve the look they...
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2 Rules to Follow for a Successful Liposuction Procedure
Liposuction is a permanent fixture in the news, and it's the most talked-about procedure in the country for one simple reason: Everyone can sympathize with the desire for the treatment. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that 69 percent of Americans are o...
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Will It Prevent Wrinkles, and Other Botox-Cosmetic Questions
The cosmetic surgery industry is split into two categories: surgical procedures and minimally invasive treatments. The first category covers everything from liposuction and breast implants to facelifts and fat transfers. The second category includes injectables and other skin-rel...
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Tips for Choosing Between Breast Implants and Breast-Lift Surgery
For many women, being comfortable with the shape and size of their breasts is just as important as feeling healthy overall. But due to small cup sizes or loss of bust from age, and with no natural remedies available, breast implants and breast lifts are frequent topics of discuss...
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Breast Implants as Graduation Gifts, and Other Cosmetic-Surgery News
As our society continues to become more accepting of cosmetic surgery in general, people tend to be more curious about how the practice fits into modern life. Specifically, many wonder what age is best for certain procedures, including when to start having procedures and when to...
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Cosmetic Surgery News: Botox Cosmetic Roundup
Cosmetic surgery is on an upward trend, but some procedures are increasing more rapidly than others. Consider the fact that surgical procedures only grew by 1 percent last year, whereas minimally invasive procedures grew by 3 percent. However, if you really want to see explosive...
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Why Use Hyaluronic Acid, and Other Questions About Voluma
The face ages in many complex ways as you grow older. The most common changes associated with aging are changes to the skin, including spots and lines. However, these changes aren't the first sign of age on the face. Most people notice that they appear older when looking...
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3 Tips for Finding the Right Cosmetic Surgeon
After you've decided to have a cosmetic procedure, it’s time to select your surgeon. In a city as large as New York, you have a seemingly endless array of options, so how do you choose? If you’re tempted to select the first one you come across, consider the fac...
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Nose-Reshaping News: Popular Procedures Like Eyelid Surgery Change By Age Group
Each year, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons compiles a list of statistics regarding cosmetic surgeries, as well as the industry itself. The media tends to focus on the overview of the report, discussing the top five most popular procedures or examining the change in the i...
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